42% of a sample of 150 businesses that ran Groupon promotions between June 2009 and August 2010 said they wouldn't run a Groupon promotion again, according to a study of the social-media coupon site by Utpal M. Dholakia of Rice University. One of the main reasons: A significant proportion of Groupon redeemers are extremely price sensitive, barely spending beyond a discounted product's face value. Google has bid to purchase Groupon for $6 billion. |
Monday, December 13, 2010
Daily Stat: Groupon Leaves Some Businesses Dissatisfied
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Management Tip of the Day: Abolish Great Meetings
Abolish Great Meetings |
Having a "great meeting" often means that everyone in the room agreed on a topic without debate or discomfort. Yet, most great ideas are born from conflict and differences of opinion, rather than effortlessly run meetings. Next time you are organizing a meeting, don't focus on making it go smoothly. Instead, pay attention to moving your business objective forward. Only invite people who truly have a stake in the goal, not those who have a territorial claim or just want to be heard. Good results come from complex, iterative, and challenging processes. Rather than making sure your ideas and discussion fit perfectly into the hour time frame, be willing to leave the issue unresolved and have another "bad" meeting to follow up. |
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Daily Stat: Unimportant Posts Can Get You Unfriended on Facebook
The number 1, 2, and 3 reasons why people get unfriended on Facebook are: Frequent, unimportant posts; posts about polarizing topics such as politics; and inappropriate posts, such as racist comments, according to research by Christopher Sibona, a graduate student at the University of Colorado Denver. 57% of respondents to his survey unfriended for online reasons, while 27% did so for offline behavior. Source: Business School student finds top reasons for Facebook unfriending
Friday, November 5, 2010
Why expensive consultancy firms are giving away more research
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
What's Out
類似Delay No More的英字中意的用法,只不過What's Out是普通話
版權所有 違者必究
其實沒錢注冊 被誰看到了拿去用我也沒轍,what's out!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
KPMG Buys Supply Chain Consultancy
KPMG announced the acquisition Monday of the U.S.-based supply chain consulting division of Grant Thornton, expanding the auditing firm's financial and operations services.
KPMG will retain 23 supply chain professionals employed at Grant Thornton. The purchase for an undisclosed sum includes the group’s proprietary software and contracts with what KPMG said are “select Fortune 500 companies.”
KPMG said the purchase comes as more companies are undertaking top-to-bottom restructuring of operations, from supplier relationships to financial management across the supply chain.
“As the already strong demand for large scale transformation and restructuring assistance continues to grow, this acquisition helps us provide the functional breadth and depth needed by large organizations across several key industry sectors," said Mark A. Goodburn, vice chairman and head of advisory at KPMG. “It's also consistent with our continuing strategy to build superior large-scale transformation capabilities to serve the world's top organizations.”
Monday, May 31, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
我觉得答案会是肯定的──特别是在经历了又一天令人难以置信的动荡之 后。在这一天中,道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数由涨变跌,从前市上涨近100点到收盘跌了115点。
想 想上世纪70年代末哈里•布朗(Harry Browne)向客户推荐的所谓的"永久投资组合"。当然,布朗时任投资报导《哈里•布朗特别报告》(Harry Browne's Special Reports)的编辑。几十年之后,他成了美国自由党(Libertarian Party)总统候选人。他于2006年去世。
布朗在 七、八十年代写就的好几本投资指导书都成了畅销书。其中有一本《为什么最周详的投资计划通常会失败》(Why the Best-Laid Investment Plans Usually Go Wrong)出版于1987年,该书的大部分篇幅都是在向投资者介绍一种分散化投资组合的好处,这种投资组合的构成常年保持不变──换句话说,是永久性 的,除非年度重新调整。
尽管布朗的想法并不新颍,最近的市场却让很多投资者重新对此产生了兴趣。首先,我们先是经历了大萧条以来最严重的 一轮熊市,接着很快就是有史以来难得一见的连续12个月强劲上涨。然后是"闪电崩盘",在短短几分钟内,道琼斯指数就蒸发了近1,000点。
投 资者开始怀疑,市场是否被操纵了,在与他们作对。
布朗的观点是投资于一篮子资产类别, 各个类别之间的相关性很低。这样,当其中任何一个资产类别表现欠佳时,其他类别至少有很大的机会能够坚守──如果实际上没有升值的话。
这 种投资组合应该能够提供一种不错──但不能算十分可观──的回报,同时动荡相对较低。
布朗建议的一篮子投资组合由股票、长期国债、黄金和 短期国债组成,每种各占四分之一。他在1987年出版的书中写道,在过去的17年中,一直追溯到70年代,这种投资组合创造了12.0%的年化回报率。这 比无论是买进并持有股票还是债券的表现都要好,不过不及黄金。
正如布朗所写的,考虑到这种投资组合实际上不需要持有者花心思关注,其收益 是惊人的,投资者无需参透未来,无需做出投机性决策。
布朗的方法在随后的几十年中表现继续如他所宣扬的一样。想想基本上源于布朗方法的永 久投资组合基金(Permanent Portfolio)。该基金目前的目标配置是25%的金银、35%的美国国债、15%的进取性成长型股票、15%的房地产和自然资源类股、10%的瑞士 法郎资产。
在截至今年4月30日的15年来,这只基金年化回报率为8.2%。鉴于股票、黄金和债券哪一个都没有它表现好,这样的回报是相 当惊人的。同期,威尔希尔5000指数涨了7.9%,Shearson Lehman Treasury Index的年化回报率为6.3%,黄金价格涨幅折合年率为7.7%。
实际上,永久投资组合基金过去15年的表现要好过我所跟踪的投资顾 问中的74%。
在你遭遇更多骇人的市场动荡之际,你可能会想铭记布朗的投资方法。他的永久投资组合可以作为一种提醒,让我们不必为追求不 错的长期回报而一直押宝市场短期走势,也不致遭遇巨大损失。
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Management Tip of the Day: Think Twice Before Updating Your Facebook Status
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Daily Stat: Transformation Efforts Need Grassroots Input
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Management Tip of the Day: 3 Tips for Asking Better Questions
- Be curious. Doing all the talking doesn't make you an effective leader. Be inquisitive and ask about topics that are important to you and to the person with whom you're talking.
- Be open-ended. Use what, how, and why questions. Don't just ask about events, but about thoughts and motivations as well.
- Dig deeper. Don't accept the first answer you get. Ask follow-up questions to get more detail and surface the real story.
Management Tip of the Day: Use the Three-Minute Rule to Better Understand Your Customers
Management Tip of the Day: Enjoy Trying on the Way to Achieving
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Management Tip of the Day: 3 Ways to Keep Your Brain in Shape
- Keep working. Most modern jobs involve multi-layered thinking, problem-solving, and socializing, all of which are good exercises for the brain.
- Seek out new ideas and people. Get out of your thinking comfort zone and search for new ideas and people that rattle established brain patterns and challenge you to think in new ways.
- Breathe. Like the heart, the brain needs oxygen and blood flow. The current star in brain science research is exercise. So get up and move around.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Management Tip of the Day: Elevate Performance without Waiting for a Crisis
- Urgency. People feel motivated when they know time matters. Set clear goals and clear consequences if the goals are not achieved. Don't run fire drills, however; people know false urgency when they see it.
- Empathy. People want to feel emotionally connected to what they're doing. Show employees how their work will matter to others — their coworkers or your customers.
- Innovation. In a crisis, there's no time or patience for red tape. Remove unnecessary organizational obstacles to being innovative. Get rid of the time-consuming processes that would be the first to go in a crisis.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Management Tip of the Day: Turn a Flaw into a Distinguishing Feature
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The new Japanese consumer
The attitudes and behavior of Japanese consumers are shifting dramatically, presenting opportunities and challenges for companies in the world's second-largest retail market.
How Japanese consumers are changing
Hunting for value
Spending more time at home
Buying products differently
Being health- and environment-conscious
Why behavior is changing
Download a PDF of the video transcript.
that better match the way consumers now shop. Companies also should embrace online shoppers for any product, from the high to the low end, given their increasing numbers. "Marketers must begin to think about digital marketing as an extension of the product itself and not just an extra piece of media," said one Japan-based chief marketing officer of a major consumer products multinational.

About the Author
Saturday, April 10, 2010
1. 跟踪行为
2. 增强对环境的认知
3. 传感器驱动的决策分析
1. 流程优化
2. 优化资源消耗
3. 复杂自治系统

from http://china.mckinseyquarterly.com/Chinas_Internet_obsession_2546